Walking the beaches on our family vacations while collecting seashells and seaglass is one of our favourite things to do. Turning these shells into magnets is one simple way to transform your found treasures into functional keepsakes you can enjoy everyday. We’ll show you how to make a magnet from your seashell finds.
What better time to be reminded of your good memories then every time you open the fridge door!
The seashell magnets look adorable displaying vacation photos or to do lists or just on their own. Our seashell magnets look particularly sweet as part of our newly renovated coastal cottage kitchen. To see the before photos, take a look here.
Supplies Needed:
“Disclosure: We have not received any compensation for this post. However, we have (and continue to) receive products from Eti-USA. This post also contains affiliate links (indicated with *) for your shopping convenience. You find our full disclosure here.”
- Easy Sculpt Epoxy Modeling Clay
- Magnets*, circular shaped, approx. 1/2″ diameter and 3/16″ thickness
- Seashells (specifically clamshells, collect them yourself or purchase them here*)
How to Make a Magnet with Seashells:
Be sure to read the instructions provided in the packaging prior to starting and protect your working surface with a sheet of wax paper before starting.
Being careful to not cross mix the materials in the containers, use two wood sticks to take equal amounts of components “A” and “B”.
Spread some of the release agent (or alternatively, vegetable oil) on your gloves to keep the keep the clay from sticking. Form the clay into balls of approximately equal size by eye, just about ¾” diameter (or size of a quarter).
Press together and completely blend the two balls until they are a uniform colour with no ribbons or marbling (about 1-2 minutes). Press out any little clumps to make sure the components are completely combined.
Separate the blended clay into smaller balls about the size of the inside of each seashell.
Gently press one magnet into the clay making sure the magnet still protrudes past the back edge of the seashell. The self-hardening epoxy modeling clay works as a binding agent holding the magnet to the shell without any need for a glue or adhesive.
Let the Easy Sculpt clay cure for at least 24 hours before using.
For more fun diy magnet ideas check out these earthy rock and fossil fridge magnets and how to turn easy painted rocks into picture magnets and these pressed flower resin magnets.
- Rock Fridge Magnets
- Bird Painted Rock Magnets
If you want other seashell craft decor, you can make these no-sew clam shell felt ornaments, a DIY seashell wreath or this decorative seashell chime.
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