Let’s talk about #GettingShipDone. If you’re a small business owner, shipping products to your customers can be a real pain in the butt! In an effort to save our sanity (and yours), we’ve compiled a list of must-haves when shipping for small business.
This post is sponsored by 3M Canada. All opinions are our own. #Scotch #GettingShipDone

Saving Your Sanity with ScotchTM Flex & Seal Shipping Roll
Since launching our Sustain My Craft Habit Etsy shop, we’ve often struggled with shipping physical products: everything from the time it takes to pack and the associated costs. As much as we love sharing our handmade products, one of our biggest challenges with having an online shop is shipping. So much so, that we’ve often asked ourselves if it’s even really worth it.
When we were approached by 3M to try out their new ScotchTM Flex & Seal Shipping Roll we were definitely curious. It is meant to save up to 50% on time, supplies and space compared to cardboard boxes. An easier packaging solution for a wide range of products? Yes please!

Sellers looking to ship their products should check out ScotchTM Flex & Seal Shipping Roll. It’s ideal for items such as clothing, accessories, jewelry or anything that is non-fragile and without sharp edges (such as our little coastal wood signs). It is water and tear resistant and has a built in cushion layer to protect items. ScotchTM Flex & Seal Shipping Roll comes in 15” width and 10- or 20-feet length rolls: as long as one side of your product is 12” or less, you’re good to go!
How ScotchTM Flex & Seal Shipping Roll Works
All you need are your products, the ScotchTM Flex & Seal Shipping Roll and a good pair of scissors!

Unroll just enough of the ScotchTM Flex & Seal Shipping Roll for your product to fit within. It needs to be used within 5 minutes of unrolling, so you don’t want to open too much.
With the grey side facing up, place your product (along with any inserts) towards the centre of the packaging.

The key to the ScotchTM Flex & Seal Shipping roll is the adhesive technology that sticks to itself and not your product. Fold the packaging over your product just like a calzone, remembering “grey to grey to make it stay”.

Press the edges firmly for a guaranteed seal. Leaving a 1” border around the perimeter of your product for the packaging to seal together.

Lastly, place your shipping label on top and you’re ready to ship! And that’s it…no tape, padding, filler or hunting for the right sized box.

But Does ScotchTM Flex & Seal Shipping Roll Actually Work?
Although we’ve just confirmed that ScotchTM Flex & Seal Shipping Roll does in fact save on time, supplies and space, we asked ourselves “is it durable enough to withstand shipping our handmade products?”.
To answer this question, we test-shipped an order of beach stones and driftwood buttons using this new packaging. We were pleased to see that our local postal service processed the packages in the same manner as our other shipments and they arrived days later in great condition!
Would you like to see it all in Action?
We have a video to take you through the process from beginning to end as well!
More Ways to Save your Sanity when Shipping:
Choose the Right Packaging
- Consider ALL your packaging options for shipping based on the type of product you plan to sell. Are your items large, small, heavy, fragile, durable?
- Clothing and accessory sellers, book sellers, some woodworkers or anyone selling products that are non breakable and smaller than 1 foot along one side should try out ScotchTM Flex & Seal Shipping Roll.
- If you’re shipping products that are large sized and/or fragile, ensure to use a durable cardboard box with appropriate filler such as bubble wrap and paper.
Create a Small Dedicated Space to Prepare Packages
- No matter how big or small, having a dedicated space for shipping is key to efficiency.
- Keep all packaging supplies within arms reach to avoid wasting critical time searching for missing supplies.

A Reliable Pair of Scissors
- Invest in a reliable pair of scissors to use only for packaging.
- A good quality pair of scissors will make the whole packaging process quicker.
Use a Shipping Label Maker
- Being able to print off professional looking labels in a snap will make your life so much easier when it comes to shipping.
- Prepare return address shipping labels ahead of time using a shipping label maker to have on hand when needed.
Avoid Unwanted Surprises with a Weight Scale
- Since the weight of your package directly affects the cost to ship, it’s important to know how much it costs before arriving at the post office.
- Avoid unwanted surprises by weighing your package at home with a shipping scale beforehand.
Brand Labelling and Product Tags
- Don’t forget to include a professional-looking product tag, thank you note and even coupon to encourage the next purchase with your product.
- Make your own tags like we did with these DIY custom product tags or order them online.
- If your packaging is recyclable and you wish to let your customers know, include this free printable recyclable tag with your shipment.

As small business owners selling handmade items online, we know the many struggles associated with shipping. We hope these tips and the new ScotchTM Flex & Seal Shipping Roll will help save your sanity when #GettingShipDone, as they have ours!

What challenges have you faced with shipping products to your customers?
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This post is sponsored by 3M but all opinions are our own.